One of the best ways to start is to make a conscious connection between you and your environment. It starts at home with you.
1) Go vegan/plant based and stop eating fish and animals
All animals are sentient including fish.
“Fish have the capacity to experience pain and fear, just like us.” 1
“Fish contain heavy metals, mercury, dioxins, plastic compounds, hexachlorobenzenes and pcb’s. compounds, hexachlorobenzenes and pcb’s.” 2
“The run-off from traditional animal agriculture impacts the ocean by creating dead zones.” 3
Do you know that their health and welfare is dependent not only on how governments and corporations act, but especially how you act? You can start with what you eat!
Currently, our oceans are under duress due to overfishing and toxic burden, especially plastics. By choosing NOT to eat fish or meat, you take responsibility for your part in not taking part in overfishing or having toxic waste water from animal farming go into the ocean.
2) AVOID plastic consumption
Microplastics are a big problem and most fish, including whales and dolphins are getting slowly poisoned from all the plastic use in the world. Do your part to consume less plastic! Buy re-usable bags and purchase products that don’t have so much plastic or avoid it altogether if you can. Buy re-usable bottles 🥰. See my store for beautiful “A Tale of a Whale” reusable bottles!
3) Stop supporting cetacean captivity around the world
This one is easy, because it takes effort to buy a ticket. By choosing to never buy a ticket to a whale or dolphin show, you make a difference. If nobody goes, these aquatic facilities have to shut down. “The taiji dolphin drives are funded by the marine park entertainment industry.” 4
4) Use eco-friendly cleaning products
All drains lead to the ocean. The more you consider how every product you use has an impact on water, the better things will become.
5) Buy natural fibers
Avoid polyester and nylon as often as possible as clothing that is synthetic eventually ends up as microplastics in the ocean.
6) Use reef-safe sunscreen
Purchase zinc based sunscreens or make your own!
7) Support bans on endangered species products
1, 2, 3, 4
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